Chris Vlahonassios

3 July 2024

Chris Vlahonasios is the founder and owner of Byzanfest, as well as, TRANSFIGURE MEDIA. 

Chris graduated from Victoria University with a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) / Bachelor of Marketing. Whilst at university, Chris made several short-films and worked on the sets of many others. Chris has much experience operating film festivals having established and directed Queen St Film Festival from 2005-2009. 

Chris is a member of Vatopedi Monastery’s International Association of Digital Media and Orthodox Pastoral Care (DMOPC). Chris regularly speaks at Orthodox events and conferences about film, creativity and social media. 

Byzanfest and TRASNFIGURE MEDIA were the proud sponsors of St Ypomoni Children’s ShortFilm Competition 2021. 

Byzanfest also worked in conjunction with the Serbia Film Festival of Australia in 2023. 

Chris is also a member of the Greek-Australian Film Society (GAFS).



Melbourne University 
Construction Law 

2003 – 2008 
Victoria University 
Bach. of Laws (Honours) / Bach. of Business (Marketing) 

1999 – 2002 
Melbourne Grammar School 
Sponsored by Matris Lance Frew Scholarship


Media experience

Greek - Australian Film Society (GAFS) 
Vice - President 

Serbian Film Festival in Australia 

IKONAMA Streaming 
Media Director & Founder 

Founder, Owner & Media Manager 

2015 – 2019 
TO VEMA Newspaper 
Media, Arts & Culture writer of TRANSFIGURE MEDIA column 

2014 – 2018
The Moving Icon Show 

2005 – 2010
Queen St Film Festival (Victoria University) 
Festival Founder, Director & Patron


Papers and Conferences

May 2022 
Serbian Orthodox Eparchy of Australia and New Zealand 
Family Conference: “How to raise Orthodox Digital Citizens”. 

Aug 2020 
Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago Youth Workers’ Summit 
Speaker: “Why does online engagement matter?” 

May 2020 
Report Author: “The Cyber Church: Analysis and findings of online communications used by the Orthodox Church during the Covid-19 pandemic and its future use.” 

Jan 2020
Melbourne Youth Conference, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Aus. 
Speaker: “Navigating social media safely and behaving respectfully online” 

Dec 2019 
Syezd 2019 Russian Orthodox Youth Conference, Australia 
Lecturer: “The Moving Icon” 

Oct 2019 
Pemptousia, Greece 
Interviewee for 2-part online video series 

Jul 2018 
Vatopedi 2nd International Conference for Digital Media, Greece 

May 2018 
Author: “Respecting the Divine: why Australia and all democracies should care about blasphemy laws” 
Archived at the Australian Government’s Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet for advice on the area of religious freedom 

Oct 2008 
“Digital Protection Measures and how the High Court interprets them.” 
2nd class Honours dissertation, Victoria University School of Law