Festival Schedule
International Film Festival Quo Vadis will take place over four days: 7 - 10 november, IașiIasi Athenaeum

12.30 – 14.30 False treatise on the salvation of the soul (Fals tratat de mântuire a sufletului, Drama, Romania, Director Nicolae Mărgineanu) - film in Romanian, subtitled in English No Seats Available
14.45 – 15.30 After the Rooster’s Crow (Drama, Serbia, Director Hadži-Aleksandar Đurović) - film in Serbian, subtitled in RomanianNo Seats Available
17.30 – 19.20
- Concert of old Romanian music by the Floralia Ensemble from Iasi
- The Genesis Movie - A Story of the Quo Vadis Trophy
No Seats Available
19.30 – 21.30 Sacred Alaska (Documentary, USA, Director Simon Scionka) - film in English, subtitled in Romanian No Seats Available
Braunstein Palace (Brick Hall)

10.00 – 10.30 500 (Drama, Romania, Director Bogdan Albu) - film in Romanian, subtitled in English No Seats Available
10.30 – 11.45 The Service (Drama, Serbia, Director Andrej Šepetkovski) - film in Serbian, subtitled in Romanian No Seats Available
11.45 – 12.40 A Saint of the Words. Metropolitan Dosoftei of Moldavia (Un sfânt al cuvintelor. Mitropolitul Dosoftei al Moldovei, Documentary, Romania, Doxologia Media) - film in Romanian No Seats Available
12.45 – 14.15 Jerusalem (Ierusalim, Documentary, Romanaia, Trinitas TV, in the presence Fr. Alexandru Trușcă, patriarchal adviser and general producer and Fr. George Aniculoaie, editor-in-chief Documentary Film Department) - film in Romanian No Seats Available
International Center for Contemporary Art

10.00 – 12.00 Round table (with public) Ethics and Aesthetics in Film. Host - Faculty of Orthodox Theology Dumitru Stăniloae of Iasi No Seats Available
Participants: filmmakers from Australia, USA, Serbia, Austria, Kyrgyzstan, Romania
Moderator: Conf. Univ. Dr. Iulian Damian
Iasi Athenaeum

11.00 – 13.30 A Cross in the Desert. Saint Paraskevi (Feature Fiction, Serbia, Director Hadži-Aleksandar Đurović) - film in Serbian, subtitled in Romanian No Seats Available
14.00 – 15.15 Saint Nicholas. The Face of Kindness (Sfântul Nicolae. Chipul blandetii, Docudrama, Romania, Trinitas TV, in the presence Fr. Alexandru Trușcă, patriarchal adviser and general producer and Fr. George Aniculoaie, editor-in-chief Documentary Film Department) - film in Romanian No Seats Available
16.00 – 18.00 Lazarus’ Path (Drama, Serbia-Grece, Director Ivan Jovic) - film in Serbian, subtitled in Romanian No Seats Available
18.30 – 20.30 Narrator (Drama, Kyrgyzstan, Director Ernest Abdyzhaparov) - film in Kyrgyz, subtitled in Romanian No Seats Available
Braunstein Palace (Brick Hall)

11.00 – 12.30 Martyr of the Union. The Holy Martyr Priest Alexander of Bessarabia (Martirul Unirii. Sfântul Preot Mucenic Alexandru din Basarabia, Docudrama, Romania, Trinitas TV, in the presence Fr. Alexandru Trușcă, patriarchal adviser and general producer and Fr. George Aniculoaie, editor-in-chief Documentary Film Department) - film in Romanian No Seats Available
12.30 – 14.15 Romanians in the Soviet Gulag (Românii in gulagul sovietic, Documentary, Romania, Trinitas TV, in the presence Fr. Alexandru Trușcă, patriarchal adviser and general producer and Fr. George Aniculoaie, editor-in-chief Documentary Film Department) - film in Romanian, subtitled in English No Seats Available
18.00 – 19.00 In Vivo (In Vivo, Documentary, Romania, Director Cristina Chirvasie) - film in Romanian, subtitled in English No Seats Available
(a film about martyrs, martyrdom, with Dr. Nicolae Constantinescu, known as the surgeon at Colțea Hospital in Bucharest who operated on the wounded from the 1989 Revolution)
19.00 – 19.30 Antidote to vain (Antidot la zadar, Documentary, Romania, Director Cristina Chirvasie) - film in Romanian, subtitled in English No Seats Available
(a movie about suffering and hope, with writer and translator Micaela Ghițescu, former political prisoner)
19.30 – 20.15 The metany before the cross (Metanie dinaintea Crucii, Documentary, Romania, Director Cristina Chirvasie) - film in Romanian, subtitled in English No Seats Available
(a movie dedicated to the father confessor in communist prisons, Dimitrie Bejan, with his niece, Cornelia Anichitei)
SIustin Moisescu Hall (in the premises of the Metropolitan Ensemble of Iasi)

Centenary Sergey Parajanov(Georgia and Armenia)
11.00 – 12.45 The Colour of Pomegranate (Drama, Director Sergey Parajanov) - film in Armenian, Azerbaijani and Georgian, subtitled in Romanian No Seats Available
12.45 – 14.15 The Legend of the Suram Fortress - film in Georgian and Russian, subtitled in Romanian No Seats Available
14.15 – 14.45 Arabesques on the Pirosmani Theme (Drama, Director Sergey Parajanov) No Seats Available
International Center for Contemporary Art

16.00 – 18.00 Opening of the photo exhibition Freedom, in the presence of photographer Yuri Mechitov (Georgia) No Seats Available
Iasi Athenaeum

10.00 – 12.30 The Road to Eden (Drama, Kyrgyzstan, Directors Dastan Zapar Uulu and Bakytbek Mukul) - film in Kyrgyz, subtitled in Romanian No Seats Available
12.30 – 19.30 Centenary Tengiz Abuladze
13.00 – 14.50 The Tree of Wishes (Drama, Georgia, Director Tengiz Abuladze) - film in Georgian and Russian, subtitled in Romanian No Seats Available
15.00 – 17.45 The Repentance (Drama, Georgia, Director Tengiz Abuladze) - film in Georgian and Russian, subtitled in Romanian No Seats Available
18.00 – 19.30 The Prayer (Drama, Georgia, Director Tengiz Abuladze) - film in Georgian and Russian, subtitled in Romanian No Seats Available
Mihai Ursachi House of Culture in Copou - Diotima Hall

10.00 – 11.00 Only Love Can Save Us (Drama, Serbia, Director Hadži-Aleksandar Đurović) - film in Serbian, subtitled in Romanian No Seats Available
11.20 – 11.55The Sunday Shirt (Documentary, Romania, Director Cristina Chirvasie) - film in Romanian, subtitled in English No Seats Available
(a movie about simplicity, truth and joy, with director Nicolae Mărgineanu)
12.00 – 12.40 The ladder man (Documentary, Romania, Director Cristina Chirvasie) - film in Romanian, subtitled in English No Seats Available
(a movie about truth, courage and freedom, with the violinist Ioana-Raluca Voicu-Arnăuțoiu, daughter of Toma Arnăuțoiu from the anti-communist resistance group from Nucșoara)
12.40 – 13.30 Toma Arnautoiu, the craggy rock (Documentary, Romania, Director Cristina Chirvasie) - film in Romanian, subtitled in English No Seats Available
13.30 – 14.00 The Living Wood (Documentary, Romania, Director Cristina Chirvasie) - film in Romanian, subtitled in English No Seats Available
(with doctor Galina Răduleanu, former political prisoner)
Iustin Moisescu Hall (in the premises of the Metropolitan Ensemble of Iasi)

15.00 – 17.00 Quo Vadis Conferences No Seats Available
Milja Radovic (Austria, University of Vienna) - Film and Religion – Theology as a subject – methods and approaches and how Orthodoxy contributes to the scholarship
Hristos Valhonassios (Australia) - The Moving Icon: Creativity & Salvation through Orthodox Cinema
Gulbara Tolomushova (Kyrgyzstan) - Panorama of Central Asian cinema - The existentialistic way of the hero in the film The Swing (1993)
Mihai Eminescu Aula Magna (Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi)

17.30 – 18.40 Saint Joseph the Hesychast (Docudrama, Greece, Directors Alexandros Foteinos and Yiannis Traganidas) - film in English, subtitled in Romanian No Seats Available
19.00 – 20.30 Conference held by Jonathan Jackson (actor, USA)
American actor Jonathan Jackson's dialogue with Father Răzvan Ionescu, the host of the meeting. A life story, a career in cinematography, but also in music, without compromising on his faith.
On the stage of the Quo Vadis festival, Jonathan Jackson will narrate, but he will also offer us a unique moment of guitar performance.
No Seats Available"Haralamb Vasiliu" Hall

17.00 ConferenceThe Therapy of the soul and book lauch held by Archimandrite Ephraim, Abbot of the Vatopaidi Monastery No Seats Available
Book launch Soul Therapy - the conversations of Father Abbot Ephraim, Abbot of the Vatopaidi with romanian psychologists, psychiatrists and neurologists
Presenters: Prof. Adrian Opre and Fr. Bogdan-Vlăduț Brînză
Iasi Athenaeum

12.00 – 14.00 The Scream (Drama, Kyrgyzstan, Director Kenzhebek Shaikakov) - film in Kyrgyz, subtitled in Romanian No Seats Available
15.00 – 17.00 God’s Gift (Drama, Kyrgyzstan, Director Asel Zhuraeva) - film in Kyrgyz, subtitled in Romanian No Seats Available
Iustin Moisescu Hall (in the premises of the Metropolitan Ensemble of Iasi)

12.00 – 13.30 The White Gate (Poarta Alba, Drama, Romania, Director Nicolae Mărgineanu) - film in Romanian, subtitled in English No Seats Available
13.30 – 15.15 The Cardinal (Cardinalul, Drama, Romania, Director Nicolae Mărgineanu) - film in Romanian, subtitled in English No Seats Available
15.15 – 17.30 Somewhere in the East (Undeva în Est, Drama, Romania, Director Nicolae Mărgineanu) - film in Romanian, subtitled in English No Seats Available
Mihai Ursachi House of Culture in Copou - Diotima Hall

14.00 – 16.00 Man of God (Feature Fiction, Greece, Director Yelena Popovic) - film in English and Greek, subtitled in Romanian No Seats Available
16.00 – 18.00 - Centenary Sergey Parajanov(Georgia și Armenia)
16.00 – 17.30 Ashik-Kerib (Documentary, Georgia, Director Sergey Parajanov) - film in Azerbaijani, Georgian and Russian, subtitled in Romanian No Seats Available
17.30 – 18.00 Hakob Hovnatanian (Documentary, Georgia, Director Sergey Parajanov) No Seats Available
Mihai Eminescu Aula Magna (Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi)

17.30 – 19.00 Conference held by Archimandrite Ephraim, the Abbot of Vatoped Monastery - Saint Joseph the Hesychast, Saint Paisios of Mount Athos and Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi - hope and strength in troubled and unspiritual times No Seats Available
The launch of the television series Saint Paisios From Farasa to Heaven, produce by Saint Maxim the Greek Institute
Book launch - The mystagogy of prayer in the life and teaching of Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi
Aula Magna Carmen Sylva of Technical University Gh. Asachi from Iasi

19.30 – 21.00 Music concert by the Vox Art'Is Ensemble No Seats Available
The original language film broadcast program with English subtitles
International Film Festival Quo Vadis will take place over four days: 7 - 10 november, IașiThe Metropolitan Museum of Iasi

10.00 – 15.00
After the Rooster’s Crow (film in Serbian language with subtitles in Romanian and English) 30 min
The Service (film in Serbian with Romanian and English subtitles) 30 min
Saint Nicholas. The Face of Kindness (film in Romanian, with English subtitles) 55 min
Lazarus’ Path (film in Serbian with English subtitles directly on film and Romanian subtitles) 95 min
Narrator (film in Kyrgyz with English subtitles) 88 min
The Metropolitan Museum of Iasi

11.00 – 14.00
Romanians in the Soviet Gulag (film in Romanian with partial subtitles in Romanian and with partial subtitles in English) 85 min
The Legend of the Suram Fortress (film in Georgian with English subtitles) 90 min
16.00 – 18.10
Culoarea rodieiThe Color of Pomegranate(film in Georgian with subtitles in Romanian and English) 75 min
Martyr of the Union. The Holy Martyr Priest Alexander of Bessarabia (film in Romanian with partial subtitles in Romanian and with English subtitles) 55 min
The Metropolitan Museum of Iasi

09.00 – 13.00
The Road to Eden (film in Kyrgyz with English subtitles) 121 min
The Tree of Wishes (film in Georgian with English subtitles) 107 min
14.30 – 18.30
The Prayer (film in Georgian with English subtitles) 77 min
The Repentance (film in Georgian with English subtitles) 155 min
The Metropolitan Museum of Iasi